H O P P E R P E D I A ©
-Brian Hammons

June 14, 2010: 4,544 hits

The storyboard process can be very tedious & intricate. HFP implements a wide variety of storyboard techniques, & cutting edge technology to quickly develop accurate storyboards for your project.

Storyboards are used mainly in television and film, but they are also used in the business development industry for planning proposals, web sites, software development, and instructional design. Storyboards help the development team communicate before the action starts. This communication is very important in working with a large team.

Television and Film

A film storyboard is essentially a large comic of the film or some section of the film produced beforehand to help film directors, cinematographers and television commercial advertising clients visualize the scenes and find potential problems before they occur. The storyboard serves as the central design, meeting the needs of many team members. Storyboards allow the director to quickly explain the script & his vision to his crew. They portray all camera angles which help to facilitate where an audience will look.

Web Sites

An easy way to make sure your web site flows and is simple to navigate is to storyboard the site prior to the build. Storyboarding is an easy way to see what information goes on which page and how that page will flow with the other pages on the site. It will also allow you to see how the site navigation needs to be set up and avoid you having to redo the menus or content on multiple pages.

Software Development and Training

Storyboards are an essential tool when designing software or for computer-based training modules. They help keep developers, graphic artists, and subject matter experts all on the same page while working together. This can save you large amounts of time and money while avoiding truly unpleasant surprises.


Storyboarding permits authors to plan their proposal in a great amount of detail. More time spent at the front-end in planning and obtaining the appropriate approvals ensures consistency in the presentation, enables authors to think through their writing task in a very detailed and methodical manner, & provides a central focus for the entire team.